


Staff and Froot - 9/11/2023

1.20 is rapidly approaching release. 0.1 and 0.2 will both be released on the same day. 0.2 being the first official release and 0.1 being a semi-private beta that is being released for historical purposes.

Staffs by Aunuli

For the longest time I wanted vanilla staffs ingame. It was something that was always in my mind since the very first ideas of Arbenhell, though it was only recently the ideas began to spring to life. Going off the pseudo lore and the principles of easy to use gameplay and trading EXP for ranged damage, I felt I had a really good foundation. Ideas that didn't make it were having the wood staff with coal and a cut stone staff with emerald (never drawn). The code was done relatively quickly. Pretty much in a single night for the base in which the staffs would be built off with the only current issue being draining EXP, though active work is being done. The original concepts for staffs were scribbled by me. Taking on more of a terraria-esque sceptre look. The incredible art passes you see here were done by Aunuli. She brought consistency and a proper vanilla style, and the whole staff idea would've been pushed behind without sprites like these. There are currently four staffs at the moment, and that will likely be retained for a while. Expect to see more incredible art passing by Aunuli ^-^

Trains (Internal codename "Minecart 2.0")

Still in concept, however I have a test to make good curved trackage within the MC style. The current idea is to use tile entities with 16-32 directional placement similar to how mob heads work. Whilst in the short term it will limit the turn Whilst the possibility of using track code from create is still on the table, I want to avoid having too many mandatory dependencies.


Most of the fruit sprites are done! Quite a few I haven't shown off yet as well as sniffer plants. Stay tuned :3

Rana mob tease?

Not yet :p